- Pharmaceutiques

مختبرات الأدوية

عدد القراءات : 1165

هذا القسم مخصص لـ مختبرات الأدوية إذا كان لديكم معلومات أو تعليقات حول هذا الموضوع، لا تترددوا في إبدائها. هذ الفضاء مفتوح لحرية التعبير ، ولكن بهدف إيجابي شكرا لكم على المشاركة

Dear, Export Manager .Dear, Export Manager Hope you are doing well. We are very interested in distributing your products in Yemen First of All, allow me to introduce ourselves to you; A’Alam Al-Dawa - Group. Established in the Republic of Yemen in 1995, we are the region’s leading distribution company for pharmaceuticals, finished products (medicines), laboratory reagents, , Sanitary pads, its ….:? In 2103 a new section was opened for the import of stationery and office equipment If you're interested in Yemen and did not your agent in Yemen please send us the updated product list Thank you for your cooperation and looking forward to establishing long business relationship with your company, I would appreciate your early reply in advance. Best Regards, Dr,Yahay Fare’ a General Manager A'Alam Al-Dawa - Group. Behind the Central Bank Street drugs, Tahrir area, B.O.Pox;4242, Sana'a, Yemen Mobile: 00 967 777711144, Dr.Yahya Fare'a E-mail: aal-dawa@y.net.ye - aal-dawa@yemen.net.ye - www.aaldawa.com
يحي فارع - رحل اعمال - Sana'a - المملكة العربية السعودية

10/10/2013 - 137156


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