
تحليل واقع التنافسية الخارجية لاقتصاديات الدول العربية

The study aims to know the reality of the external competitiveness of Arab countries through the analysis of the foreign trade structure and its indicators. These indicators are the status of the trade balance, Concentration, diversification, specialization, the number of product, Trade openness and the intensity of reliance on skills and technology in exported products, in addition to some indicators related to foreign trade policy. The review of these indicators in Arab countries shows a variation among those countries; The United Arab Emirates came in the first place, followed by the other Gulf countries (and even surpassed some developed countries). In the other hand, the values of the indicators in the other Arab countries have shown a significant decline in their foreign trade indicators that, consequently, led to a decline in their external competitiveness.

تنزيل الملف

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