Tizi-Ouzou - Ait Toudert

Why need to do color management in book printing china?

Why need to do color management in book printing china?
For a regular printing company, should do color management. What is the color management? It’s generally difficult to understand this topic if you are not the people in this area. If you want to learn first to color printing must be high sensitivity. Let's specifically start the analysis of what is color management in book printing china, and what’s the benefits of color management.

Why should to do color management? Color management also need a certain amount of capital, countless times of debugging and digital proofing connection. Although the beginning of the comparison of tedious, the value of the back is very high.

Busy is not terrible, poor busy is terrible, busy and do not know, busy and inefficient. Overwork, such as shadow, anxiety everywhere, color management can get rid of the "fatigue and no income" of poverty. For the printing company, the machine is constantly running is where the value is created, but the machine is always busy, busy stop is not necessarily efficient. For example, a folding eight open, the quantity is small and two designing files. Both sides have a oil process, then to the success of the one-time, so the five-color machine, because this list is in no do color management before printing, also made should be quickly after color management.Adjust the color, it should be printed over soon, but the operator can not adjust the color well.

Why can not?,Not do color management in book printing china before the general is according to the customer sample, or digital proofing with color. Color random adjustment, color is not very accurate, so each change is not the same, after doing a good job of color management for the album or brochure on the design color is quite saturated, more colorful. As long as the printing machine after there is color memory, for the next printing directly start printing, for the printing plant or for the printing workers more save time, the output value is higher, may not do color management before adjustment for a long time. Just once in vain, for the latter is very save time.

Do a good job of color management to the business after a lifetime benefit from a reason. Regular printing company are taking this shortcut, hoping to give readers a little help.

For more information about printing, welcome to visit: https://www.bookprintingchina.com/.

NOTE: This article is posted originally on https://bookprinting1.livejournal.com/919.html.

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