Algérie - Publications Scientifiques

L’histoire Et La Structure Familiales De L’enfant Autiste

This clinical study aims a systemic exploration of family structure (parental subsystem, the sibling subsystem, relationships between members of its subsystems, the functions of each member in the family system) , the level of cohesion and flexibility of each family and its history (the number of siblings, the functions of the family, the age of the family, relationships, marriage nature and trans-generational patterns particularly what is transmitted and passes from one generation to another as significant events, illness, death ... etc) among families with an autistic child whose age varies between 2 and 12 years. 10 families were recruited (09 mothers and 5 fathers) with 10 autistic children, 9 boys and one girl. The results showed family structures that are characterized in particular by the significant involvement of mothers, marital conflict, aggressive relations between the autistic child and his little siblings, parentification and/or neglect of certain eldest daughters; regarding cohesion, mothers of children with autism have a higher cohesion reports than fathers, while in terms of flexibility, fathers show more flexibility than mothers. Family history of families with autistic children showed especially the importance of endogamous links and transmission of transactional patterns between generations.

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