Algérie - Revue de Presse

Algerian President Abdelazziz Bouteflika listens to national anthems during

Algerian President Abdelazziz Bouteflika listens to national anthems during

Algerian President Abdelazziz Bouteflika listens to national anthems during a welcoming ceremony for Jordan's King Abdullah II (not pictured) at Houari Boumediene International Airport, on November 10, 2008, prior a meeting held in Algiers. King Abdullah is on one-day official visit to Algeria. The discussions between the two leaders will "bear on the situation in the Arab world and issues of common interest at the national and international level". Algeria's parliament will meet on November 12 to vote on constitutional changes which would notably allow President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to serve a third term.
Getty Images by AFP/Getty Images

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