الجزائر - Enseignement Supérieur (universitaire)

The need to follow the grammar of other curricula to describe the contemporary Arabic language

In the book (Language Questions Linguistic Questions, p. 225), ask this question to a linguist:

"Is Arabic grammar able to describe the contemporary Arabic language, a language that is different from that of which the women have been barred for hundreds of years?

Arabs in the Arab world have long been interested in Arabic. This is reflected in the decline of the poets of a great status, was the most eloquent and if the best in his hair hung on the wall of the Kaaba hair, and that was called the suspense poetry "pendants", such as suspense and other poets. The tribe respected the other tribe and is afraid to attack them because there is a poet with them is characterized by good response, and tribes at the time afraid to mention the name of bad people circulate among themselves and stop it.


By denying revelation to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) by means of Jibril, and following him with the Arabic Qur'an, the Arabs were very much dependent on their Arabism and tried to interpret the Holy Quran correctly. It was narrated that one of the Arabs read in the verses, "but God fears his slaves scientists" and made a mistake in the formation of the verse changed its meaning, and God became the one who fears his slaves. Abu al-Aswad al-Dawali brought this matter to the caliph, and he said to him that this is the way, that is, follow this path that you took in al-Qa'dah.

This was the first time that the Arabs were interested in the subject, in order to preserve the Qur'an and to show the flaws in which the public lives. This is evident in the Koranic verse: "Allah is innocent of the polytheists and His Messenger" There are those who drag the word of His Messenger and this is wrong, and the right to include it because the first meaning makes God innocent of the unbelievers and His Messenger together, but the second meaning, Allah and His Messenger are innocent of the polytheists. This shows the status of grammar in the manifestation of meaning and its reporting and the correct identification of the ugly in the sentences. If we want to move from the language of the Koran to the contemporary Arabic language now, we find that they are relatively different from those that the barbers have been sitting for hundreds of years, we find an end in their uses and their implications.

 The texts of literary and novelists can not be understood in isolation from other methods outside the textual structure: social linguistics, communication theory, and linguistic linguistics so that the text can not be understood except through its relation to its surroundings. Thus, scholars focus on each of the following aspects: Such as sender, recipient, message, affective process, statement, speaker intent, understanding etc. All these students meet in the framework of the communicative framework. They are looking for the nature of communication and its members are different in the direction they are taking. For example, deliberation is the language that teaches the use of the subject, which transcends the limits of speech to the consideration of verbs. In spite of the Arab assets of the circulation, according to Mohammed Al-Omari, where he believes that the origins of protruding, where Al-Jahiz took this level in his book "Al-Bayan and Taibeen", and where he also sees its role in the process of influencing the recipient and persuasion. : "The theory of influence and denomination", despite all this, but this did not prevent the West from using it. We find the first to use the term (pragmatique) Burs, and those who called for a deliberative analysis of the speech, we find another Musler.

 Contemporary Arabic can not be described in isolation from other approaches. For example, the storyteller extracts the storyteller contained in the homdiegetique, the hétérodiegétique, the les facteurs, the les arguments, the inferences, and others in order to reach the meaning of the verbal acts (le sens des actes paroles), their destination and their impact on the recipient, and the grammar is not sufficient to know these meanings resulting from the links, repetitions, inclusions, and assertions, and this is the source of the difficulty of grammar that disturbs the emerging. This trend must be followed in the study of formulas and structures of deliberation within the framework of a general called the deliberative grammar, the purpose of which is to highlight the meanings of these grammatical formulas good and not ugly but straight in the composition and vocabulary in the place and use. On the other hand, the grammatical grammatical formulas outside the grammatical framework can be studied, and the extent of the effects they exert on the receiver. Therefore, the Arab trend must be in line with the diversity of the speeches and curricula it studies.

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