الضغوط النفسية لدى أسر المعاقين

the study aimed to investigate the level of Psychological Stresses among Parents of the Disabled in oran and chlef State. The researcher applied the descriptive method in carrying out this study. Simple random selection method was applied in selecting (121) parents of handicapped children enrolled in various centers. The tools of data collection consist of psychological stresses scale (preparation of ahmad zidane sartawi, and abd elaziz el-chakhes). A test was carried out to check validity and reliability of the Questionnaire. The data were manipulated by the computer and the SPSS) Statistical Package of Social Sciences( was used for the mean, and Standard error of the mean , Test-value, Percentage, Frequency , one simple t.test. The most important results of the study can be summarized as follows: Psychological stresses among parents of disabled are below average. Results were discussed based on the previous researching

تنزيل الملف

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